The Affordable Care Act (ACA) authorized $10 million over three years, effective 2011 to 2013, to establish advanced training opportunities, such as specialized training, for direct care workers (certified nurse aides, home health aides and personal/home care...
Medicaid coverage for up to one year for families leaving welfare to become self-supporting through work. During this transition period, states are required to continue Medicaid benefits even if earnings increase.
In health care, usually, the process of collecting and reporting health care cost, performance and quality data in a format that can be accessed by the public. It is intended to improve individual decision-making, or the delivery of services, or both, and ultimately...
Program providing medical care to the dependents of active duty members of the military and to retired members of the military. Formerly known as the Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPUS), the program is run by the Department of Defense.
Federal trust funds are created in the U.S. Treasury to account for all program income, such as Social Security and Medicare taxes, and disbursements, such as benefit payments and program administrative costs. Revenues not needed in a particular year are invested in...